Tuesday, 28 January 2014

First unusual cv of the new year

Back in the office and its all systems go for 2014.

New roles flying on every day - designers offline, designers online, studio managers and email producers / front end devs all needed for some of the best clients in London.

Having said that I am receiving interesting applications - including this CV from a hopeful job hunter.

As you can see this cv is impossible to read - I did let the person know...

Thursday, 9 January 2014


@jamster83 posted this funny pic.

Pigeon having a job interview. Obviosly we all hope (s)he got the job :-) 

Wednesday, 8 January 2014

Job advert

If there was ever a need for professional recruitment advice this is it.  

A photo I took of the shop front of a well know uk retailer in Old Street.

Is this positive or negative discrimination? Legal or illegal?  Let me know what you think.