Friday, 19 December 2014

Portfolio exhibition at Shillington Graphic Design College

Talent Spotting is the name of the game so I was flattered to be invited to attend the portfolio exhibition at Shillington Graphic Design College last night.

The show took place in the trendy Hoxton Gallery and included some interesting print, branding and data visualising projects with a touch of digital design.

The show takes a folio-led approach with students on hand to talk about their work on display, which gives visitors a good insight into their style, ideas and techniques used.

Some of the work on show featured posters of visualisation experimenting with colour, typography and imagery.

This was an intimate and interesting show and we were very impressed with the level of work and the motivated attitude of the graduates.

For more information on how you can create a successful career within graphic design, please leave a comment below or reach out  via twitter: @deancousin 

Also, feel free to check out my top freelance tips for January! 

Happy holiday!!!

Thursday, 9 October 2014

CV of the week

Now I get a lot of CVs but this one won the CV of the week award...

Yes this is the actual CV that was sent to me...

Thursday, 25 September 2014

Macmillan bake off 2014

Here at Creative we were doing our part for charity.

Every little helps and cakes always go down well!

For more info check out: The Macmillan site.

Thursday, 11 September 2014

Weekly Jobs Round-up

Thanks to everyone who made themselves available for the current roles I am working on.
Here is another update for you with all the latest creative and production based jobs added over the last week!
Simply comment below or DM me to let me know if any of my roles are of interest and I will send you all the juicy details!
Please note - to be considered you must be London based and free w/c 15th of Sep.
  • Agency Keynotes Designer - on-going freelance work
  • Agency Digital Designer - 3 month contract (corp brand)
  • Agency Flash Designer / Animator on-going freelance work
  • Agency 3D Studio Max specialist – on-going freelance work
  • Agency Proof Readers – Italian and German languages
  • In-house Marketing Designer - 2 months with presentation design exp
  • In-house Digital Designer - 1 month with UI / UX transactional exp
  • In-house MW Copywriter - rolling freelance with agency exp (superbrand)
We always need creatives of all levels, designers, artworkers and des / devs so feel free to send me your details on a speculative basis.
For more info on perm roles check out our website or my twitter page. Good luck!

Friday, 5 September 2014

Next weeks hot jobs!!!

The Creative Recruitment freelance department has been super busy and new clients, briefs and roles have been flying in every day.

Next week we will be busy working on many more exciting new roles. The companies are very desirable and easily some of my favourite brands. Here is a snap shot of what we will need for next week:
  •          Digital Design - All levels
  •          Integrated Creative - Mid weight
  •          E-commerce Retouching
  •          Visualisation and hands on production
  •          Flash Design and animation

If you are available for next week onwards or know a friend who is interested in my specialist sector please feel free to contact me via DM, Twitter or email.

Have a great weekend! D.

Friday, 4 July 2014

Spitalfields Market

Saw some nice artwork out on display today. Here are some pics of my favs.

Thursday, 3 July 2014

Top 5 tips for Freelance Designers time management

Hey folks!
Has this happened to you?
You’re busy beavering away. All of a sudden it gets to about 4 O’clock in the afternoon and you wonder where the day has gone.  You realise you still have a chunk more work to do, before you complete your projects. That awful *gulp* moment comes over you. I’m never going to finish on time!
Meeting deadlines can be tricky. It can also consume you, if you don’t develop a strategy for hitting them on time.
That’s why time management is so important.
Forget burning the midnight oil just to scrape the submissions in. Focus on completing tasks with time to spare, allowing you to make last minute changes and amends.
Here I’ve listed just some effective time management tips, worth considering:

If you fail to prepare, prepare to fail
Or, in the words of Yogi Berra “If you don’t know where you’re going, you’ll end up someplace else”. 
Planning may seem elementary to you, but it’s vital and so effective for making sure we stay on track. Any activity in life needs planning. Make sure your (or your client’s) goal is clear, and write it down. Make lists, flow charts, spider diagrams. Stick to them. Work through them and keep coming back to them. Be sure to only include key criteria, and deadline driven issues.

I sometimes feel like I’m spinning plates and trying to keep them all going at once isn’t easy. We’re constantly juggling our workload and tasks throughout the day. Decide what needs to be done first. Focus on what is most important, and necessary to move forward with the project. Start with the heavier tasks and get those out of the way early on. Come back to smaller, less import work later. Think about the amount of time you need to spend on something and factor that into your day. Give yourself goals and timeframes for completing stuff. Plot your key dates and milestones into your calendar, so you’re always thinking ahead. 

Don’t push it
Sometimes you need to be brave and turn down work, or say ‘no’ to a job. I know that’s really hard when you’re self employed or freelance, and you never really know where your next pay cheque is coming from. But, if you deliver substandard quality cos you’re overstretched, chances are they won’t re-book you anyway. Instead, give your best efforts and honour commitments you already have, rather than drowning yourself in multiple briefs.  

Don’t get obsessed
Analysis paralysis can be a massively debilitating and it’s happened to us all, at some point. You’re squandering considerable amounts of time over-thinking the project or the situation. Nothing gets done.  You overcomplicate it, there are too many detailed options, a choice is never made, and you can’t find the perfect solution. We’re in the crushing grip of this dreaded condition and we can’t see the end-zone… STOP! Listen to your gut. Ask for a second opinion. Do a mental dry run. And then take the leap. Remember, even if you commit now, it’s not 100% of the final outcome. You can always fine tune later.

Reward yourself
Make working fun and enjoyable, by rewarding yourself when you do a good job, or when you’ve completed something you didn’t like doing. Keep sweets in your drawer. Go and make a herbal brew after each task. Try to choose projects that you’re passionate about. This can help motivate you and help instil a sense of urgency, which helps to get you over the finish line and helps to make you feel that sense of achievement.
Being a freelance designer is a balancing act.  But through good time management it is possible to balance it all.

If you have tips of your own, feel free to add them to the comment section below.  Whilst you’re there, you might like to check out the following for new freelance roles!

Thursday, 5 June 2014

PowerPoint Obsession!


Ok guys, I am aware that designers don’t like using PowerPoint however I have just been informed by several high profile clients that they will need a small army of PowerPoint, Keynotes and Prezi Designers... Can it be true I hear you gasp...?

The shifts are long, they include weekends and out of hours work, some international travel and eye watering rates!

These roles are getting booked up over the next few weeks / months and I am always up for talking to people who have the skills but want more freelance work in this area.

PowerPoint... who would of thunk it...?

Friday, 21 March 2014

The Balloon Packer applicant

 Jun 2010-Jul 2010  Balloon Packer
1 Packer  
2 Sorting out customers’ orders
2 Setting up scale to weight balloons
3 Packing bags into & boxes
4 Storing orders to warehouse
5 Printing labels for customer’s orders

A job is a job I guess...

Wednesday, 5 February 2014


Nice little poster made by one of our freelancers! Thank you!!!!

Be happy!

Tuesday, 28 January 2014

First unusual cv of the new year

Back in the office and its all systems go for 2014.

New roles flying on every day - designers offline, designers online, studio managers and email producers / front end devs all needed for some of the best clients in London.

Having said that I am receiving interesting applications - including this CV from a hopeful job hunter.

As you can see this cv is impossible to read - I did let the person know...

Thursday, 9 January 2014


@jamster83 posted this funny pic.

Pigeon having a job interview. Obviosly we all hope (s)he got the job :-) 

Wednesday, 8 January 2014

Job advert

If there was ever a need for professional recruitment advice this is it.  

A photo I took of the shop front of a well know uk retailer in Old Street.

Is this positive or negative discrimination? Legal or illegal?  Let me know what you think.